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Eric Mergenthaler's Biography

Eric Mergenthaler

Eric Mergenthaler

Havas Media

Eric Mergenthaler Hall, was born in September 2nd, 1963. He is descendant of a German sea captain (Walter Mergenthaler) and the American degree in Communication from the University of Ohio (Arlene Hall). He has two brothers, Hermann and Carl, the first one half year older, and the second one three years younger. When he was very young, it was said that he had a terrible temper. He grew up going to the German School in Mexico and was introduced to Sailing when he was three years old. This had a significant impact later in his life, getting a professional and olympic career, representing Mexico at the Olympic Games of 1984, 1988 and 1992 in the Finn class. He won gold, silver and bronze medals in the World Cup among other sporting achievements. He used to sail 40-65 boats in his professional career and he still has in mind the famous Sydney-Hobart race with winds of 130 km / hourand waves like mountains ...!!

He studied Industrial Engineering at UPC Barcelona, Spain, and stayed there for 11 years. When he returned to Mexico, he ventured into Communication Consulting, based on motivation and leadership that related Sports and Business. In 1993 he became Director of ACROB, SCP in Barcelona, Spain, a company dedicated to represent agro-nutritional enterprises. In 1997 he was appointed as Sales Manager at APOL Group. In 1999 he became Managing partner of Make Team -dedicated to the development of workteams for Domecq,

Sony, Kraft, IXE Banco, QAD, and others-. In Havas Media he started his career in 2001 as MPG Mexico´s CEO. Later on, in 2004 he was appointed as CEO of Havas Media North Latam.


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