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3 New Social Media Marketing Leading Experts On The Bees Awards 2011 Jury

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The Bees Awards – 1st international social media marketing awards – are pleased to announce the addition of three new leading experts to their 2011 world jury.

John H. Bell

John H. Bell

Global Managing Director
360° Digital Influence | Ogilvy


Pushkar Sane

Pushkar Sane

Chief Digital Officer (North & South Asia)
Starcom MediaVest Group
Hong Kong


Tom Eslinger

Tom Eslinger

Digital Creative Director
Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide


These professionals have been selected on the base of their expertise, the references they received from peers, their passion for social media and their geographic location. Their name will be added to the 2011 Jury. They will honor the best social media marketing practices, define standard practices and establish the greatest ethics for the long term growth of the profession.

Agencies and social media marketing experts are invited to submit their work at: http://beesawards.com/bees/entry/

The deadline of entry is March 31, 2011. The event will take place in San Francisco on May 3, 2011 and will be live-streamed.

Important Dates
January 24 Social media, public relations, advertising agencies, brands and consultants from around the world can submit their work at http://beesawards.com
March 31 Deadline to submit entries
April 18 Nominees will be announced
May 3, 2011 Award Ceremony will take place in San Francisco (also live streamed)
About the Bees Awards
Name The Bees Awards Inc.
Description The first international social media marketing awards for communication professionals.
Mission Honor the best social media marketing practices of the year in order to promote ethical and outstanding professionals and their expertise.
Location San Francisco, California
Founded January 2009
Principals Bastien Beauchamp, Co-Founder & President
Cara Drolshagen, Co-Founder & Vice-President
General information
Jury Page http://beesawards.com/bees/2011jury/
Website http://beesawards.com
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/company/the-bees-awards
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/BeesAwards
Twitter http://twitter.com/BeesAwards
Media Room http://beesawards.com/bees/media-room/
Contact [email protected]

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One Response to “3 New Social Media Marketing Leading Experts On The Bees Awards 2011 Jury”

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by David Armano, Liza Durón. Liza Durón said: “@IABMexico: 3 New Social Media Marketing Leading Experts On The Bees Awards 2011 Jury http://fb.me/RT3KowTu” [...]

    Pingback by Tweets that mention The Bees Awards - Social Media Marketing Competition -- Topsy.com on January 31, 2011 at 6:24 pm

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Our mission is to honor the
best social media marketing
practices of the year in order
to promote ethical and
outstanding professionals
and their expertise.