The Bees Awards for the best professional social media practices

International Social Media Marketing Award Ceremony 2010

On November 9, 2010, hundreds of social media experts celebrated the best marketing work of the year at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco. The campaigns - mostly coming from large brands (74%) and from 21 countries - were evaluated by an international jury of experts over 16 different categories.

VIDEO: The Bees Awards 2010 - 1st World Social Media Marketing Award Ceremony from BeesAwards.


The Bees Awards at The Legion of Honor in San Francisco

PICTURES: See more images on our Facebook Page. Join our page by clicking "LIKE"


See the Nominees & Winners of 2010.


Or  Submit Your Name to be on the 2011 Jury for our next event on May 10, 2011


The Bees Awards grant recognition to the best Social Media practices of the year in order to define and promote outstanding professionals and their marketing expertise.

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