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The 2011 Calendar

The Bees Awards will respect the following schedule. You are welcome to get involved in our different activities.

Tues, Dec 14
Wed, Jan 19
Mon, Jan 24
Mon, Feb 21
Fri, April 8
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Tue, May 3
Tue, May 3
Tue, May 3
Call for 2011 Jury
Call for 2011 entry
2011 Jury announcement
2011 World Student Brief Launch
Deadline for Entry (midnight PST)
Nominees announcement
Student Nominees announcement
Annual Seminar (9am to 6pm)
Award Ceremony (6:30pm to 9:30pm)
After-Party (10pm to 2am)

Our mission is to honor the
best social media marketing
practices of the year in order
to promote ethical and
outstanding professionals
and their expertise.