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Buy Tickets For The Awards CeremonyOn May 3, 2011 Starts at $125 |
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Submit Your Work Participate in the CompetitionDeadline: Mar 31, 2011 Until Feb 11: $220 |
Join our Jury 2011
The Bees Awards opens its call for 2011 Jury. Social media marketing experts from all around the world are invited to apply. Deadline is January 10, 2011.
Register your name or a friend by filling the form below. The Bees Awards are looking for worldwide representation. Every country and every continent is invited. Candidates must be professionals with experience in social media and track record either in social media, advertising, public relations, direct marketing, CRM or other marketing expertises. Brand or agency experience in social media marketing is encouraged.
The Bees Team is looking forward to seeing you participate in large numbers. Join the celebrations!
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