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Dean McBeth's Biography

Dean McBeth

Dean McBeth

Sr. Digital Strategist
Wieden+Kennedy Portland

A recent career highlight includes serving as the Digital Strategist & Social Media Community manager on Old Spice: Responses, arguably one of largest and fastest-growing integrated marketing campaigns of any Brand in the last decade. Dean has over 15 years in Web and integrated marketing experience, successfully orchestrating product innovation, cutting-edge communications and internet technology. He is primarily involved in integrated and online marketing strategies for Consumer Packaged Goods, Sports, Entertainment, Travel/Tourism and Lifestyle, with additional focus on Fortune 100 companies.

As a Sr. Digital Strategist at Wieden + Kennedy, he is tasked with finding the perfect mix of business, community and technology to help companies achieve their marketing objectives and business goals with an effective digital system. And, as the incumbent Community Manager for Old Spice, is primarily focused on social strategy specifically around "always on" brand conversations and content strategy.



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