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The Bees Awards are now open for entry!

You are invited to send your best work to the competition and help our industry to shape & share the best practices. A jury of 21 Experts from 15 countries will grant excellence over 26 Specialized Categories.

Before to submit:

- Please read Rules & Criteria;
- You may submit as many campaigns as you want.
- You may submit the same work in more than one category. Review all categories;
- You are allowed to edit your entries until the deadline by "Log in" (top-right corner);
- Deadline of entry is April 4, 2012 (Midnight - San Francisco time zone);
- Only entries fully paid will be judged.


Payment options:

- PayPal: Simply follow instructions at the end of the entry process;
- Credit cards: At the end of the entry process, a link with credit card logos will appear on the PayPal page;
- Intl Money Order/Checks:  On request only. Count 2 weeks to process. Write at [email protected];
- Receipt: On request only. Write at [email protected]


Help/Entry support:

Should you encounter any problem, feel free to contact us at:
- Email: [email protected]
- Skype: beesawards


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Entry Information

(An entry in this category will be charged at $200)

1000 Characters remaining

30000 Characters remaining

500 Characters remaining

500 Characters remaining


No need to fill out all field if not necessary.
No entry is activated until full payment is received.
No entry accepted by email.
For support write to: [email protected]

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Honoring world's best social media
marketing executions of the year
in order to promote expertise and
ethics for a sustainable industry.